Therefore, at the end
of every year, film critics are so busy praising all the new stuff that they
forget about most of the first nine months. This year has not been deprived of
memorable movie experiences. In fact, it’s been a fairly decent year,
considering that I’ve only truly hated five of the forty-six movies I’ve seen. There
were also only six I truly loved. That leaves thirty-five that were in-between,
which isn’t really a bad thing, but if a movie is simply average, that means it
is unfulfilling in one way or another. I think I was in the same boat as most
film-goers when I didn’t feel very strongly either way about most things I saw.

“Good golly, Beaux!” you may well think. “Was there anything
you did think was worth bothering with? Tell me, please!” If you were to ask
almost anybody else, their answer would be alarmingly bad. As of right this
minute, the imdb top 250 holds three of this year’s movies. Two of them are The Dark Knight Rises at number 28 and The Avengers at 100. Everyone I know
loved both of these movies and would heartily agree that they rank among the
best ever. I am all for people having their own opinions and don’t even have a
problem with them enjoying movies I don’t, but these people could not be more
wrong. The Dark Knight Rises is not
one of the best movies of the year, much less of all time. I’ll concede that it
is a decent enough picture, but it’s popularity is incredible considering what
a failure it is. It is successful in its familiarity with Nolan’s first films,
but packs none of the same punch. The fans of the deserving originals are so
passionate, they can’t stop and think about how tiresome the movie really is. I
expect it will go the way of Spider-Man 2:
critical blockbuster today, unexplainably hated tomorrow. (I agree with most
people that The Amazing Spider-Man
was a good movie, but I also have nothing against Sam Raimi’s trilogy.)

The movies I really did like included Ridley Scott’s
magnificent return to outer space with Prometheus
and Steven Soderbergh’s surprisingly grounded action movie Haywire. My other favorites were a bit more controversial. I loved
the little dramatic comedy Bernie, featuring
an incredible performance from Jack Black, which somehow escaped mainstream
attention. Lawless was an enjoyable
tale of hillbilly vengeance, which seems to have rubbed most viewers the wrong
way with its historically correct cruelty. The most shocking thing I wrote all
year was a nine star review of Dax Shephard’s good-hearted comedy Hit and Run (Of all the nerve!). This
was a wonderful movie that was widely hated, mostly because viewers expected an
actual action movie, despite the advertisements clearly indicating its
ridiculousness. Those people just need to see Expendables 2, which, by the way, is no less silly.
The best movie moment of the first half of 2012 was when Wes
Anderson blessed us with his latest masterpiece, Moonrise Kingdom. I thought so much of this movie that I called it
the best of the year back in July. Right now, it still is, and I doubt it will
be topped as my favorite. I could, and very well may, write an entire book
about its seemingly endless charms. I saw it a total of four times in theaters,
a personal record, and will certainly watch it again before the year is out. It
is such a miraculous thing that it remains fresh, inspired, and very funny even
after so many viewings. I will not be surprised if it eventually holds out as
one of my all-time favorites. My guess is it will. This probably would have
been a generally unmemorable year if not for Mr. Anderson. However, there are
still plenty of other things to look forward to in the coming months.
My past reviews can be found here.
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